Un alt vis împlinit! Este de-a dreptul extraordinar să pot lucra împreună cu cei mai buni profesioniști din toate domeniile, inclusiv din cel academic, oameni cu viziuni și înțelegeri asupra lumii. Împreună cu ei am încercat să redăm cât mai extensiv un subiect care ne interesează pe toți: cum atragem și păstrăm oameni în companiile pe care le conducem, în era digitală.
Cartea poate fi achiziționată de pe Amazon, Bookdepository și o mulțime de alte market-uri. Vă invit să o răsfoiți și să o citiți. Abia aștept să dezbatem asupra ei. Între timp, puteți regăsi o parte din prefața cărții, în care mi-am exprimat părerea despre oamenii noi și cum s-a schimbat modul lor de gândire.
”Their never-resting mind operates at an extraordinarily high level of abstraction. They have very specific fields of interest and prefer to use graphic and comparative representation of objects. Digital talent works daily in front of screens combining symbols such as ‘1, 0, (,), {,},;?’ according to rules that change annually or more frequently. They do this aiming to enable the staff working in human resources, finance, and other management fields to have an interface which is easy to understand and use for managing their information and data.
Digital talent is up to date with the latest technologies, programming languages, and has specific information about niche projects, new start-ups and so forth. Talent in general, by contrast, prefers to stay up to date with Netflix, news, media, or the weather forecast.
They are valuable, and they know it well. Their financial expectations are greater than those of professionals and managers who work in other roles and tasks because they have one of the most difficult jobs in the world, they bring in large amounts of money and remain insufficient on the market.
Since they know they are valuable, they may seem picky and arrogant when it comes to living standards and work conditions. They know their rights very well and refuse to accept less than what they deserve.
They are overwhelmed with work and with the pressure to know everything that is required by their clients, whose ever-changing demands pressure them to start their work all over again. Some digital talent can be difficult to manage. They thrive in silence, while technically optimal skills are a must.
The offer must be attractive:
- Top-notch computer;
- Good workspace with plenty of natural light;
- High-speed internet that operates at constantly high parameters;
- As many professional development opportunities as possible;
- Flexible hours;
- Home office—the most appreciated benefit;
- Flat hierarchy when it comes to communication;
- Interesting projects and novel technologies, and
- Likelihood to actively get involved in project development and the company as a whole.
When they are unhappy with something, they can say it out loud and with no diplomacy. The biggest mistake one can make is to restrict in any way the freedom of expression of a person whose intelligence and creativity are far above average. We need to let them speak their mind. The managerial approach demanding a predefined number of codes to be written or problems to be solved by a specific deadline is utopic given that, in digital works, contrary to what many people believe, you can write an entire code in just one moment of inspiration, after months of painful failure. What helps, instead, is a realistic approach that includes performance assessment over a certain period of time, but without a daily monitoring of execution times and of the actual hours spent in front of the computer.
Digital talent constantly challenges us all:
- To be organized;
- To know what we want and how to ask for it;
- To speak kindly to our team even when team members make mistakes;
- To appreciate the value of our team;
- To surrender control and try instead to guide our people—allowing
- their creativity to unleash;
- To listen to the ideas of our staff;
- To provide constructive feedback; and
- To regularly thank our team members for their efforts.”
Dr. Daniel Metz, Chairman of the Board of Directors, NTT DATA Romania
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