Recenzie in-extenso a cărții „Digital Talent Management” pe


“Digital Talent Management” este o lucrare extraordinară și mă bucur de fiecare dată când descopăr că organizații prestigioase din lume o consideră la fel. a scris despre cartea a carui co-autor sunt alături de profesioniști din toate domeniile, iar acest lucru mă face extrem de mândru și mă încurajează spre un nou proiect in această direcție.

Subiectul menținerii talentelor în companii în contextul globabilizat al digitalizării, reprezintă o temă actuală, dar și o preocupare continuă și majoră în marile organizații din lume. Suntem în pragul unei revoluții profesionale, iar împreună putem ajuta la conturarea unui nou viitor. 

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„With an increasing level of market activity transitioning online, and organisational processes increasingly predicated upon ‘black box’ wizardry, the people who understand these things have a special place in the competitive armoury of modern business. These people increasingly require sensitive and intelligent management which recognises the singularity of their skillset. In their new book Digital Talent Management (2021), Dr Sorin Dan from the University of Vaasa, Finland, and Dr Diana Ivana, Dr Monica Zaharie, Dr Mihaela Drăgan, and Dr Daniel Metz from Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania, and NTT DATA, have provided a powerful definition of digital talent which emphasises its uniqueness, and offer some key insights into how to manage these individuals effectively.

It is just over thirty years since the Internet gave a massive boost to the computer-driven ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, and already it is hard to find many human activities that have escaped this tsunami of digital innovation. From the automation of manufacturing processes, to farms ploughed by driverless tractors and steered by GPS signals, to the ubiquitous presence of social media, digital innovation permeates every aspect of modern society.

It is not only the developed world that is the beneficiary of this digital ‘miracle’, as this technology is accelerating the development of the poorest economies on the planet. In fact, it is a sobering statistic that in the least developed parts of our world, more people have access to a smart phone than to a functioning lavatory.” 

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